Mission Action Plan

Parish: St James

Deanery: Merton

Date: September 2015

We reviewed our Mission Action Plan at the PCC meeting in September. We gave thanks for what has already been achieved and continue to pray for the success of our long term goals. New short term targets were set.

Our Mission Statement

Our purpose/reason to be here.

St James’s Church:

Growing Up towards God;

Growing Out to our community and the wider world;

Growing Together for support and strength.

Our Vision Statement

How we want to be described 5 years from now.

A growing church serving God, our community and each other;

known and valued for being that

Our Priority Goals

A maximum of 5 for this next season

Long term (5 years) – to have increased average attendance by 50%.

In order to achieve that -

1. A new priest in post and review of goals with them

2. Improve publicity about who we are and what we do, including use of website and social media

3. Get roof fixed and heating done

4. Nurture existing congregation

5. Increase welcome to non-regular (potential) congregation.

Proposed Actions

Who leads?

By When?

September 2015

A new priest in post and review of our goals with them.

Parish Profile written, illustrated and agreed


June 2015

Achieved – Alse displayed on website and lobby notice board

Advert in

Standing committee to liaise with Diocesan Office

July 2015

Achieved – written and in 2 editions of The Church Times and 1 edition of “The Bridge”

Shortlist and interview

Parish Reps, Simon Gates (archdeacon) and John Hayward (Patron)

Sept 2015

Achieved – also Parish visit of shortlisted candidate to see the church, parish and vicarage, and meet members of the congregation and local community, including school. Hospitality offered.

New actions:

Liase with candidate and diocese about next steps in process

Parish reps and Churchwardens

October 2015

Improve publicity about who we are and what we do

Get group – Wendy, Michael, Carolyn, Elaine + others

Elaine to suggest and convene

July 2015

Not achieved yet – Some liason so far but no group discussion. Still to be worked on

Get a board for outside chapel


July 2015

Achieved – board is mostly outside when Church door is open; put out and taken in daily.

Plan bookstand in foyer


Next PCC

Partially achieved – No bookstand yet; some literature available in lobby.

New actions: Have some books to take away and some to borrow and return. Stickers to identify books. Await new incumbent before embarking on other publicity All

Get roof fixed and heating done

Get advice and quotes

Roof – Mary-Jane

Heating – Elaine


- July

- August


Partially achieved — quotes obtained, Faculty application in-waiting,

Partially achieved — further info and quotes received. Best short term gain may be to get loft insulation.

New Actions:

Qotes for getting hall loft insulated

Discussion about grant applications

Further discussion about project and budget


Elaine and Eleanor


Nurturing existing congregation

Assess changes to altar rail/access to communion


June 2015

Achieved – H&&;S concerns addressed.

Changes made to original plan in response to suggestions/ objections.

Revisit under new incumbent.

Review suggestions from service audit

All committees, groups

April 2016

Not acieved yet. Ongoing.

Follow up people who don’t come any more



Achieved – some phone calls made.

New actions:

Set up group leaders/hosts for house groups.

Set up house groups for prayer/bible study/worship.


January 2016

Increase welcome to non-regular (potential) congregation

Invitation to coffee on pew sheet


July 2015

Achieved. Ongoing

All, but especially those on welcomers rota, to welcome and chat to newcomers in coffee.


Achieved. Ongoing.

Consider “pray for” and get to know your neighbours coffee mornings

Social and fundraising. Joan and Anne, and Simon, delivering fliers/knocking for invitations

October 2015

Not achieved yet. Ongoing

New actions:

Include the mission and action of our church in all prayers

