About Us

We are an Anglican Parish in the liberal catholic tradition located in a suburban area between Wimbledon Chase and Morden. Bus 164 from Morden and/or Wimbledon stops in front of St James Church as does bus 413.

Further details of the Parish can be found in the following documents

Who we are
Our Safeguarding Policies
Annual Report
Mission Action Plan –
May 2023
The Charities we Support

Because we are meant to be in community! God created us as relational beings, and it is as a community together that we are best able to express ourselves in worship, explore our faith questions and learn from each other. Going to church isn't a sign that you have ‘made it’ or think you are a ‘good enough person’ - it is a sign that you have begun a journey of getting to know God, through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit.

And you don't have to understand what that means to be able to come!